Today i have made an appointment to go to the doctors and get help with stop smoking as i wanted to give my baby the best start in life . i was determined to give up . Everybody says smoking can harm your baby and the chance may be small, but i didn't want this to happen. I got the inhaler and patches to start me off. By the 11th may I had not had a fag, so I had successfully given up. Billy was grate he done it as well but he done it without patches or any help. We started having more money as well i think i ended up with £50 more at the end of a month then i did when i was smoking.
Today i am happy to tell you about the accomplishment of us both becoming more healthy and stopping smoking , i am still not smoking and my son is 19months old. This iam very happy about as i wouldn't of wanted to be beside his bed in PICU and have a craving to leave him and go for a smoke.
Welcome to the start of my story/life
Here is were i will take you back to when i found out i was pregnant , i will take you through my journey and my thoughts, you will see the good and the bad. step by step see how my amazing son was grown and looked after while having a congenital heart disease. once my pregnancy diary is finished. ill jump to the now , and let you know whats happening. I hope you enjoy :) Also there is a link to my fathers online baby store, Noahsbabystore come take a look.
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