Welcome to the start of my story/life

Here is were i will take you back to when i found out i was pregnant , i will take you through my journey and my thoughts, you will see the good and the bad. step by step see how my amazing son was grown and looked after while having a congenital heart disease. once my pregnancy diary is finished. ill jump to the now , and let you know whats happening. I hope you enjoy :) Also there is a link to my fathers online baby store, Noahsbabystore come take a look.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Dylan's first surgery bt shunt 16th November 2010.

16th November 2010 , 

We today was the scariest day of our life. Dylan's big day had came quick. We just wanted it to be over. 

after the op! 
cuddles before the op
telling every1 he isn't happy!
Dylan's scar 

They got him all ready and we waited till the theater was ready the surgeon Dr Auston came and explained what he would do and got us to sign a consent form , These are hard having to sign over you baby and agree that the worst could happen , but it always comes down to he needs it and its what is best for Dylan. We had lots of cuddles before he went as we wont be able to pick him up for a couple of days. Now came the most emotional bit , having to say good buy and walking away while they take him in to the theater. My dad and step mum and billy's mum was up the hospital they took us to the slug and lettuce for lunch then we got a coffee and when for a walk to the park it seemed like forever our baby had been gone.  We then had enough and headed back to the hospital , we went straight to the ward , we haven't had a call yet to say he is back , but when we got there they had just brought him back in . and was setting all the breathing and monitors up. I was glad we just when back and went to see if he was back. I just wanted to go to him , i was worried what he would look like, with all the drains and breathing tube. But even the nurses agreed he was still the cutest baby eve even with his elephant nose with the breathing tube and ng tube up them. today we just sat by his bed wishing him well. He done so well . The surgeon came and said it all when well and he shouldn't need no more operations till he is 6 months old. over night the best PICU nurse Laura turned his breathing tube nearly off so some of the time he was doing it himself , and that he should have his drains out soon and can go up to Savannah ward. This has taken me a big step to upload the pictures of my baby looking like this as i dont like seeing him like that and don't like others looking at him like it but i thought it may help others. 

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