Welcome to the start of my story/life

Here is were i will take you back to when i found out i was pregnant , i will take you through my journey and my thoughts, you will see the good and the bad. step by step see how my amazing son was grown and looked after while having a congenital heart disease. once my pregnancy diary is finished. ill jump to the now , and let you know whats happening. I hope you enjoy :) Also there is a link to my fathers online baby store, Noahsbabystore come take a look.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Environmental health visit 1st September 2010

Today we had an early start the environmental health man came round. i went down stairs and let him in. i showed him all of the problems like the whole down stairs, plug sockets hanging off. he said its bad you shouldn't have been moved in but we had know !So not much can do about it. He said he would be back to take some pictures. He wrote down all of the problems i showed him and mine and wills (the council mans) letter to Trevor(landlord). He then said he would go away and contact everybody he needed to. He would give the landlord a week to get things sorted or at least started. if not we was to contact him.

This was the first time of many visits from the environmental officer. In the end he wasn't able to help he wrote so many letters to the landlord.  Many of our problems was in the communal hall way , yet we also had plugs hanging off in our flat and half a plug socket boded off, the upstairs flooded our flat and the landlord done nothing. our boiler would stop working and he done nothing and our electrics stopped working for days he send a worker that couldn't find a problem. All while i was pregnant. 

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