Welcome to the start of my story/life

Here is were i will take you back to when i found out i was pregnant , i will take you through my journey and my thoughts, you will see the good and the bad. step by step see how my amazing son was grown and looked after while having a congenital heart disease. once my pregnancy diary is finished. ill jump to the now , and let you know whats happening. I hope you enjoy :) Also there is a link to my fathers online baby store, Noahsbabystore come take a look.

Monday, 9 July 2012

My first cuddle meeting my baby 13th November 2010

13th November 2010 

Meeting Dylan for the fist time
His first feed. 
First feed 

mummy and Dylan at 2am

Today was the first day i got to go and hold my baby boy , my dad and step mum took me down to PICU to meet him , he was he cutest most beautiful baby i have ever seen,(yes i would say that he is my baby ). I was aloud to give him cuddles and change his bum , also i gave him his fist feed in his mouth , i gave him my best milk hat i had stored in a syringe. The feeling of holding my baby was amazing , the nurses have said he has been such a good boy he has already got certificates. Today Dylan had lots of visitors which was very over whelming for me , I just wanted to sit the peacefully and sit holding him. Dylan didn't look to scary he was rigged up to the heat monitor , also he has a set of lines in his had to they could give him antibiotics and his medicine to keep the duct open , they say on the 16th November he will have his operation. I am petrified even more now as i have met my baby i do not want to lose him. One thing that really annoyed me to day was that i told he PICU nurses that the midwife on the maternity wad didn't let me come see my baby last night and they said i should complain about her as she was not aloud to do that and if i had called them they would of came and got me. The nurses on PICU are amazing they are so kind and will explain every thing to you. They made Dylan a diary and each day the nurses and family wrote in it. The second night i had gone back to the maternity wad for a rest and my medication, i managed to express milk so i called PICU and they said i could take it over to him , So in my night dress i walked through st Thomas hospital to Evelina and sat with Dylan till 2am. I didn't wan't to go and leave him. 

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